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The New Stuff

Mention "family business" and one might assume you're talking about the mom and pop restaurant around the corner or your local dry cleaner. But some of the world's largest companies and best known brands like BMW and Wal-Mart are deeply rooted family businesses.   A new study by the Center for Family Business at [...]

from Forbes Real Time

New Report Reveals The 500 Largest Family-Owned Companies In The World

Mention "family business" and one might assume you're talking about the mom and pop restaurant around the corner or your local dry cleaner. But some of the world's largest companies and best known brands like BMW and Wal-Mart are deeply rooted family businesses.   A new study by the Center for Family Business at [...]

from Forbes Real Time

from Forbes Real Time

Top 25 Largest Family-Owned Companies In The World

from Forbes Real Time

Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke announced last week that he had accepted an offer to become a senior advisor to a hedge fund. Wall Street howled that Bernanke had done something so wrong that it was close to criminal. For example, take a look at this piece from CNBC [...]

from Forbes Real Time

Wall Street's B.S. About Bernanke's New Job

Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke announced last week that he had accepted an offer to become a senior advisor to a hedge fund. Wall Street howled that Bernanke had done something so wrong that it was close to criminal. For example, take a look at this piece from CNBC [...]

from Forbes Real Time

We often hear that failure is just a stepping stone to success. But how to you actually turn a setback into a stepping stone? It begins with how you explain your failures.

from Forbes Real Time

How You Explain Your Failures Determines Your Success

We often hear that failure is just a stepping stone to success. But how to you actually turn a setback into a stepping stone? It begins with how you explain your failures.

from Forbes Real Time

A week back we had the shocking news that of the various welfare payments made in the US some $153 billion of them went to families in which there was at least one person working. This is true by the way, those do look to be about the right numbers. [...]

from Forbes Real Time

Welfare Payments Really Are Not Subsidies To The Profits Of Walmart And McDonald's

A week back we had the shocking news that of the various welfare payments made in the US some $153 billion of them went to families in which there was at least one person working. This is true by the way, those do look to be about the right numbers. [...]

from Forbes Real Time

Earth Day has degenerated into a technology bash-fest, with pesticides and genetic engineering favorite targets. Instead, it should promote greater scientific literacy, because having more than a passing acquaintance with science is wonderfully enriching. It enables one to understand how the world works–everything from why salt on the sidewalk causes ice to melt, to the miracle of the wing design on a hummingbird or on a fighter plane. But it is also a prerequisite for being a genuine “environmentalist”; without it, it is easy to be lured into feel-good but unconstructive and antisocial advocacy.

from Forbes Real Time

The Dirt on Earth Day: Chemophobia Masquerading As Environmentalism

Earth Day has degenerated into a technology bash-fest, with pesticides and genetic engineering favorite targets. Instead, it should promote greater scientific literacy, because having more than a passing acquaintance with science is wonderfully enriching. It enables one to understand how the world works–everything from why salt on the sidewalk causes ice to melt, to the miracle of the wing design on a hummingbird or on a fighter plane. But it is also a prerequisite for being a genuine “environmentalist”; without it, it is easy to be lured into feel-good but unconstructive and antisocial advocacy.

from Forbes Real Time

This all sounds reasonable to me. At least the logical process used to reach the conclusion is correct, although I think I still come up with a different end solution, which is that Greece should still leave the euro. For I'm rather of the view that the structural changes needed [...]

from Forbes Real Time

Krugman; Greece Shouldn't Have Joined The Euro But That Doesn't Mean It Should Leave

This all sounds reasonable to me. At least the logical process used to reach the conclusion is correct, although I think I still come up with a different end solution, which is that Greece should still leave the euro. For I'm rather of the view that the structural changes needed [...]

from Forbes Real Time

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